
Dutton Polygraph Services, LLC offers an exceptionally broad range of credibility assessment services available anywhere.  Headquartered in South Carolina, Dutton Polygraph Services (DPS) provides services to customers both domestically and internationally.  Mr. Dutton has over 28 years of combined experience as a polygraph examiner, quality control officer, instructor, federal program manager, and researcher for the US government, including his final assignment as a senior manager with the well-respected National Center for Credibility Assessment.  Mr. Dutton also served several elected terms of office with the American Polygraph Association, including President and Board Chair.  He now offers his extraordinary expertise to individuals, companies, attorneys, law enforcement agencies, and government agencies across the globe.  His company provides professional polygraph examinations, independent quality control and reviews, quality assurance inspections of multi-examiner polygraph programs, professional presentations on the polygraph and related areas, and courtroom testimony as a technical expert on the polygraph.  Below is a description of DPS services:

  • Polygraph examinations:
    DPS provides total polygraph examination capability for both private and government organizations using modern techniques and instrumentation based upon best practice models developed by the National Center for Credibility Assessment.  Whether you need a privately conducted discrete examination conducted in support of a specific issue or criminal matter or you require pre-employment testing of applicants for local or state employment, DPS can provide professional polygraph services at your location or any suitable venue.  Use our CONTACT FORM or QUOTE FORM by clicking here or call us direct at (803) 238-7999 to obtain additional information and fee structure.
  • Quality Control Review of Polygraph Examinations:
    DPS provides total polygraph examination capability for both private and government organizations using modern techniques and instrumentation based upon best practice models developed by the National Center for Credibility Assessment.  Whether you need a privately conducted discrete examination conducted in support of a specific issue or criminal matter or you require pre-employment testing of applicants for local or state employment, DPS can provide professional polygraph services at your location or any suitable venue.  Use our CONTACT FORM or QUOTE FORM by clicking here or call us direct at (803) 238-7999 to obtain additional information and fee structure.
  • Quality Assurance Reviews and Inspections of Polygraph Programs:
    Are you a municipal police department, county sheriff's office, or perhaps a state police organization that has a polygraph program?  Can you say that your department meets the professional standards of the APA and ASTM?  DPS can review your program and provide recommendations to bring your program into compliance.  Not only will we ensure your program is maximally effective, it may reduce your exposure to allegations of improper practices. Use our CONTACT FORM or QUOTE FORM by clicking here or call us direct at (803) 238-7999 to obtain additional information and fee structure.

  • Lectures and Training:
    DPS provides the highest quality professional polygraph lectures and training for initial polygraph schools and advanced education for organizations, agencies, and associations.  We also make informative presentations to other professional groups, including judges, attorneys, legislators, police organizations, and sex offender treatment providers.  Let us know what you need in the area of credibility assessment and we can develop the training.  Use our CONTACT FORM or QUOTE FORM by clicking here or call us direct at (803) 238-7999 to obtain additional information and fee structure.

  • Court Room Testimony:
    Mr. Dutton is exceptionally well prepared to assist in the preparation and presentation of polygraph testimony for courtroom, administrative hearing, or other purposes.  Use our CONTACT FORM or QUOTE FORM by clicking here or call us direct at (803) 238-7999 to obtain additional information and fee structure.
  • Other Credibility Assessment Needs:
    In addition, Dutton Polygraph Services, LLC can provide solutions to most any credibility assessment needs.  Give us a call at (803) 238-7999 and we can discuss how we may help you.